Monday 26 March 2012

Hyper reality.

 An example of hyper reality in our culture is the celebrity taking on invented personas. A great example is 'The Hoff' aka David Hasselhoff. An actor most famous for shows such as Baywatch and Knightrider. His notoriety is from these shows and consequently  has ruined his credibility as an actor and singer. David disappeared for a while but came back reinvented as 'The Hoff'. David was and probably still has a serious outlook on life however once 'The Hoff' was invented there was no going back. 'The Hoff' in the public eye is a man who drinks a lot, has a lot of fun, says what he wants when he wants and generally tries to be the exact opposite of the characters that have have stuck with him from his earlier days. 'The Hoff' is Davids alter ego. From releasing ridiculous songs to drunken rampages. He has reinvented himself and to be fair he deserves a pat on the back, not many people can do this successfully. Its nice to know that amongst all of his ridiculous stunts, he is hopefully just having a laugh and not actually believing himself to be 'The Hoff'. When being interviewed by Pierce Morgan, David is quoted as saying  "No one wants to hire David Hasselhoff anymore they want to hire the Hoff" . He knows this and his playing up to it all. But if it works for him then he has succeded fooling everyone.

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